QAGTC West Committee Members (Michele Juratowitch, Leisa Taylor, Susan Stevens and Melissa Dornhart) will form a panel to share information about supporting gifted adolescents with differing needs, within various contexts. Please register and come along to the QAGTC West meeting to listen to those who have varied experience supporting gifted adolescence.
Event start
Event end
Event type
Maximum places
Event address
Meeting rooms 1 and 2, Kenmore Library (Kenmore Village)
9 Brookfield Road
Kenmore QLD 4069
Adolescence is a time of great development that can be challenging to navigate for students, parents and educators. Please join us for a panel discussion regarding supportive practices for guiding gifted and/or 2e/GLD adolescent students.
Cost per Financial member
Cost per Non-financial member
Payment summary
No Payment Required
For more information about this event please email west [at] qagtc.org.au
Bookings are now closed (as of 10/10/2022 - 13:00)