Discussion Meeting - Supporting Mental and Physical Health for Gifted Children

Computer kids 1
Recent research from the US has highlighted a link between high IQ and an increased prevalence of mental and physiological health issues. In this meeting, we will be discussing this research, and what we can do to support the mental and physical health of gifted children.
Event start
Event end
Maximum places
Event address

Aspley State School
Maundrell Terrace
Aspley QLD 4034

Apologies - for reasons beyond our control, we've had to postpone this event to a later date. All bookings have been personally contacted to ensure delivery of this message. 


You may still wish to refer to the following articles in any case...

We will be discussing the following article, which reviews recent research out of the US. http://bigthink.com/design-for-good/why-highly-intelligent-people-suffer...

The full research article is available here https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/FA3E44C1430E143735BFFBBCE747E6B720...

We will also be sharing ideas and information within the group for support our children's mental health and wellbeing.

We look forward to seeing you there

Cost per Financial member
Gold Coin Donation
Cost per Non-financial member
Gold Coin Donation
Payment summary
We welcome a gold coin donation for this event.

For more information about this event please email north [at] qagtc.org.au


Bookings are now closed (as of 21/06/2018 - 09:00)