Past events

Past branch events. View upcoming event.

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Cup of tea and chat
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Come Along to our West Branch AGM and join a team of friendly, motivated, and passionate parents and teachers who are committed to supporting gifted children and families in our area.

Growing Children’s Emotional Intelligence with Melissa Strader

Children jumping
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Young people with well-developed emotional intelligence (EQ) earn higher grades, stay in school for longer and make healthier choices. In fact, emotional intelligence is a greater predictor of a child’s overall success in later years (relationships, career, health, general effectiveness and quality of life) than their IQ (Intelligence Quotient). What that means is that regardless of a child’s IQ, it is crucial for parents and teachers to help children build their emotional intelligence.

Join Melissa as she explains what emotional intelligence is; why we need it and how we get it.

QAGTC North Branch AGM

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Please join us as we elect a new committee to lead our vibrant branch for 2018-2019!
We are looking for some new faces, including a new branch president, so if you have a passion for helping gifted children and their families, we would love to hear from you!

Learn to Code Workshop - Gold Coast

computer kids 4
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An exciting and engaging Learn to Code Workshop using Scratch, an introductory drag and drop coding platform. Develop essential 21st century learning skills as you think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively whilst creating your very own project with code. This workshop will provide you with the skills you require to begin your coding journey.